miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Living with a disability

My name is Celia and I'm in a wheelchair since I had the car accident.Everything has changed for me,I see the things bigger than before.Now,that I can't move my legs I would give anything to have them back. But everything isn't so bad,with effort you can do all that normal people can do,such as running,swimming,walking... whatever you want is possible.
Life is a bit different for me sometimes. For example,I have to learn again how to walk with prosthetic leg.I need help with one or two things,such as getting up from bed and down the stairs.
There are some things which annoy me.Sometimes kids say stupid things about my wheelchair and my legs.Usually people say to me "poor girld",I hate this, I'm happy, why I'm a poor girld? I'm happier than other persons.I'm alive and I'm going to enjoy my life.

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