sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Women's Rights

In the 19th century, Europea women couldn't vote.
Emmeline Pankhurst and her eldest daughter wanted to changet it, they believed that women should have the same right as men.
They were the suffragettes in 1905,they wanted that women could vote too,but the Prime Minister ignore it so they decided to protest in the street, the women often went to prision for their actions,and they continued their campaing in prision.
But all changed when the first world war come,men were fighting abroad so women did men's jobs,and showed that they could do them just as well.Finally in 1918 women over the age of thirty were allowed to vote.Then years later,all british wome over eighteen could vote,in New Zeland women had vote since 1893.In spain women had to wait until 1931.
Now, women not only vote,they work as judges,doctors,pilots,astronauts...

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