martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Louise Arned Boyd

Louise Arner Boyd was born in 1887 in San Rafael,California, near San Francisco. When she was only 13 years old,she inherited all of her family's fortune and began to travel around Europe.
In 1924,she visited the artic on a Norweigan cruise liner and increased her interest in polar exploration.So in 1926 she took some friends from Norway to the Artic Ocean on a Nowergan ship to see more of this beautiful Artic.
In 1928,Louise began her first Artic expedition,her mission was finding the missing explorer,named Umberto Nobile she not only led the expedition,she financed it too but she never found a trace of Amundsen.
Lousi started taking anual trips to the Artic in 1933.On one occasion again she examined glacia formations,but she also measured ocean depth.With the research of 1937 and 1938 she helped prove the presence of an underwater mountain range between Jon Manyen Island and Bear island.
She made other expedition in 1941 pay by the united states in this expedition, she examined the effects of the pole's magnetic on radio communications o use as military strategy.
In 1955, Louise became the first women to fly over the North Pole.After that point, she spent the rest of her life in San Francisco,California, where she died in 1972

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