martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Instant messages

Some useful abbreviations for your instant messages and text messages:

2NITE tonight                                            ILLU I love you
A/S/L age/sex/location?                              IMO in my opinion
B4 before                                                   POS parent over shoulder
BBG bye bye, be good                               PLZ please
BFN bye for now                                       RU are you there?
BCOZ because                                         STYS speak to you soon
BS big smile                                              2MORO tomorrow
CU see you                                              TNX thanks
F2F face-to-face(meet)                           YT are you there?
HAGD have a great day                          ZZZ I´m bored , I´m tired
LOL laugh out loud                                 LMAO laughing my ass off
PMSL pissing myself laughing                  ROFL rolling on the floor laughing
TFGI just fucking google it                       STFU shut the fuck up
BTW by the way                                     TBH to be honest
IMO in my opinion                                   G2G got to go
BRB be right back                                   TBF to be fair
YOLO you only live once                        TTYL talk to you later
ASAP as soon as possible                       DIY do it yourself
FAQ frequently asked questions              BFF best friends for ever
FYI for your information                          TY thank youGF/BFgirldfriend/boyfriend                OMD oh my god!
JK just kidding                                        
WTF what the fuck                           

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