sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

My weekends

My weekends start on when I go out with my friends to the city center, we walk and eat something.At night I watch a film alone and them I go to sleep.
On saturday I go out agaiin with my friendas we stay together all the day we go to dinner  at McDonalds I arrive at home at 12:00 and then I talk on the phone.
On sundays I do my homeworks and I helped in house I didn't go out because I have to study for a exam. My favourite part of the weekend is when I stay with my friens,I love them

My favourite celebrity

He's in his twenty-three, he's tall,he has got short brown hair,he has got a beautiful look too, with a beutiful brown eyes, he has got a small lips and a funny smile,he doesn't have anything that call your atention but he's very handsome.
He's a good actor, he plays very well their character, he won the teen choice award to the best villlain on television, young hollywood award to the best cast and young hollywood awar for the interpretation of masculine revelation.
I think that he's not only handsome, he's also adorable and funny because I see photos where he shows it and videos. he's so cute.

My Experience

I was in the summer holidays of 2014 with my sister , when a millionaire man was in the city and he said throught twitter that he was going to put cards with money in the center,some with 10 euros and 50 euros,my sister an I were excited to go to the city center,and we were looking for cards but we only found false cards with false money,we made some friends and we laughed a lot because we made jokes to people who were looking for the cards,like putting a false card in a tree or in a hole,then we went to our house and we searched why the man didn't put the cards,he fell asleep in their hotel,it was a funny experience that I will always remember with my sister