domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Tips for a Healthy life: We are what we eat

                                                                            The food pyramide

-Nutrients and portions we should have:

We should  have Nutrients as proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals,
and the water. We shoul have a three to 
five portions of grain group,five to six
portions of vegetables and fruit group,
one to two portions of meat group,two
 to three portions of milk group.

-The food you should avoid /not eat too much :
We have to try not eat too much  fried, the batter, the baking industry, sausages or any other foods loaded with saturated fat, to have a healthy diet

-The importance of sport in a healthy life:
Sport helps us to have a healthy life .The practice of a sport regularly contributes not only physical health but mentally as well , the sport is necesary to prevent some illnesses too.

 -Eating disorders:

The most famous eating disorders are the bulimia and the anorexic. the bulimia  is that a person with this illness eats a lot of food and then throw up to feel better.The anorexia it is characterized by fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception that the patient does look fat even if their weight is below the recommended .